When parents of an infant go through a separation or divorce, the act of creating a parenting plan requires special effort. Infants have specific emotional, physical and developmental requirements that must be prioritized in any custody arrangement. It is for this...
Child Custody
Can you homeschool your child against your ex’s wishes?
There’s a growing movement toward homeschooling in the United States, for several reasons. Some parents feel like the overcrowded classrooms and lack of resources are providing substandard education, and they can do better at home. Others have safety concerns, due to...
Virtual visitation strategies for young kids
Young kids benefit significantly from visual and interactive engagements with parents. As a result, when they are living in two different homes due to a co-parenting arrangement, they often do well when a virtual visitation arrangement allows them to connect with...
When might supervised parenting time be required?
Children may be negatively impacted by their parents’ divorce, at least for a time. However, co-parenting plans help ensure that can children get attention from both parents and maintain a healthy relationship with each parent under most circumstances. While...
Virtual visitation arrangements when you have a teen
Managing virtual visitation when co-parenting a teen generally involves some unique challenges and opportunities alike. Virtual visitation arrangements, executed via video calls, messaging apps and social media, offers a flexible and dynamic way to stay connected....
How can I know whether birdnesting might work for us?
Birdnesting, also known as “bird’s nest custody,” is a co-parenting arrangement wherein children remain in one home, and the parents take turns living with them. This unique approach aims to create a stable environment for children while allowing parents to maintain a...
How children benefit when their divorced parents share custody
Divorce can be challenging for everyone involved. It may prove especially difficult for the children caught in the midst of shifting family dynamics. However, research suggests that when parents choose shared custody arrangements, children experience a range of...
Indiana’s guidelines on age-appropriate parenting time
Every child endures divorce differently. Their age can influence how they comprehend their parents’ circumstances. Indiana law recognizes the impact of parents’ broken relationships on each child’s unique developmental and psychological needs. While no specific...
How mediation can make co-parenting life better and easier
Divorce is complicated for everyone involved, especially when children are in the mix. No matter the circumstances, divorce often affects children differently than adults. Usually, the effects of the divorce in children may not be clear until long after the divorce is...
How do you share custody of an infant?
Sharing custody of an infant may seem difficult when you are not the custodial parent. The State of Indiana lays out guidelines for this parenting time that you need to follow. According to the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines, it is important for both parents to...