During a divorce, the court has a preference for joint custody when dealing with children. Children are typically emotionally healthier when allowed to spend equal time with both parents, and the parents benefit from the arrangement as well. In some cases, one parent...
Month: September 2022
Is theft a felony in Indiana?
If you face theft charges in Indiana, you should know that Indiana comes down hard on the convicted. Like all states, Indiana categorizes theft by the value of the property stolen. However, unlike most other jurisdictions, The Hoosier State limits its categories to...
What is parallel parenting?
High-conflict divorce is stressful enough on its own, but it becomes a very fraught situation with children involved. Whether your ex is a narcissist, has a personality disorder or if the relationship with your ex has simply soured to the point where it is difficult...
The various consequences of an OWI
If you receive a conviction for operating a vehicle while intoxicated, there are numerous penalties involved. Even facing arrest for suspicion of driving under the influence comes with penalties. Not only are there criminal consequences of a conviction, but there are...
Tips to divorcing a narcissist
If you are going through a divorce, and you suspect or know that your spouse is a narcissist, the process will be even more challenging than most divorces. There are many traits of a narcissist that makes a divorce emotionally exhausting and often more expensive....