Once your Indiana marriage runs its course, you may find yourself staring down a much different financial future than the one you anticipated. A divorce upends many financial aspects of your life, but there are certain financial professionals who might be able to help...
When are you eligible for a former spouse’s Social Security?
When your Indiana marriage comes to an end, you may not give much consideration to how long it lasted before you decided to pull the plug. You might be remiss to do so, though, because the length of your marriage plays a big part in determining if you are eligible for...
How does property division work in Indiana?
If you and your spouse are heading for a divorce in Indiana, there are some things you should know about property division laws in the state. Indiana is an equitable distribution state, meaning a judge will determine a fair, or equitable, way to divide assets between...
How should I manage social media during a divorce?
Particularly if you are in the lead-up or going through a divorce, managing your social media appropriately is very important. Many ex-spouses will mine social media accounts for ammunition to use during the divorce process. Overall, it is not a bad idea to delete...
Tips to divorcing a narcissist
If you are going through a divorce, and you suspect or know that your spouse is a narcissist, the process will be even more challenging than most divorces. There are many traits of a narcissist that makes a divorce emotionally exhausting and often more expensive....
Who does collaborative divorce work well for?
Litigation is not the only option for divorce, though the media often makes it seem like it is. It is just one of many, and often the most expensive and stressful one on top of that. Instead, couples going through divorce could try things like collaboration. But...
3 reasons you might consider a mediated divorce
If you and your spouse are facing divorce, you may be dreading a long, stressful legal battle that will take a financial and emotional toll on both you and your children. However, going to court is not your only option. Mediation is an alternative approach to divorce...
Getting ready for child support during your divorce
If you are bringing your marriage to an end, you need to take a close look at child support if you expect to owe payments. It is vital to go over the various factors that courts evaluate when awarding child support. Additionally, you need to understand the serious...
Will nesting work for your family?
As parents going through divorce, you likely wonder what sort of living arrangement you should set up in the meantime. Perhaps you want to co-parent together, but you currently do not feel you have it in you to live in the same home with your co-parent. In these...
How should you discuss divorce with your children?
When a significant change like a divorce happens to a family, you may struggle to know how to address the topic with your children. Learning about how to break the news can help you talk about it in a child-friendly manner. Keep it direct According to Psychology...