Indiana law enforcement officers have sobriety testing tools. They use these tools to determine if a driver is under the influence. One tool they may use is field sobriety testing, which has standardized and non-standardized versions. Today, we will take a look at both.
Standardized field sobriety tests are more common. If you take one of these tests, it is likely standardized. This is because courts view standardized test results as more reliable. There is a set standard that test results must hold up to before an officer may declare it a possible sign of DUI. This is not the case for non-standardized tests. Without a set standard, professionals read these test results on a case-by-case basis. It is up to the administering officer to decide if the results are a pass or fail.
Field sobriety tests are often a precursor to other tests. In other words, if you fail a field sobriety test, the officer may give you a breath or blood test. Breath and blood tests are more scientific. Their results are more accurate. In fact, some officers start with a breath test instead of a field sobriety test. But both of these tests are more invasive. For that reason, field sobriety tests are often a first line of testing.
If you want to read more about field sobriety tests, follow the link here. It will take you to our web page on OWI and DUI crimes. You can read more about how criminal defense works in these areas. You can also further your reading on other forms of sobriety testing.