Most encounters with dogs are pleasant or at least neutral. Unfortunately, some dogs can become aggressive with little warning. They might jump over a fence and injure a delivery person or repair professional approaching the home. They might bite someone visiting...
Southern Indiana Law Blog
Special parenting plan considerations: Parents of infants
When parents of an infant go through a separation or divorce, the act of creating a parenting plan requires special effort. Infants have specific emotional, physical and developmental requirements that must be prioritized in any custody arrangement. It is for this...
What is drugged driving?
Drivers can’t operate a vehicle safely if they’re impaired in any manner. While most people think about alcohol when they hear about impaired driving, drugs are another serious issue. One of the issues with drugged driving is that there aren’t reliable tests that can...
How to get an expungement for a drug charge in Indiana
A drug charge on your record can affect many areas of your life, from getting a job to securing housing. Fortunately, Indiana allows you to expunge certain drug charges, meaning you can clear your record in some situations. This process gives people a second chance...
Can child support be modified?
Even after a divorce, both parents have a financial obligation to support their children financially. One parent may pay more or less, depending on where the child spends most of their time. Still, circumstances change, and one parent may want to seek a modification...
What is the fastest you can get divorced in Indiana?
You want to file for divorce, and you don’t want it to take very long. You just want your relationship to be over. The faster you can put this stage of your life behind you, the better. If so, you should know that Indiana law establishes a mandatory 60-day waiting...
Why shouldn’t you dismiss a headache after a car crash?
If you suffer a car crash, you might think a headache is the least of your worries. You might not give it a second thought, assuming it is just down to the stress of the situation, because you've been so busy you’ve not got around to drinking anything or because you...
What makes teenagers risky drivers?
Anyone can have a car crash. Yet, the statistics show that teenagers, specifically those aged between 16 and 19 are the sector most likely to have a crash. What could explain this? A lack of experience Passing the driving test does not mean you are a competent driver....
How does contributory negligence affect personal injury claims?
In Indiana, contributory negligence can significantly impact personal injury claims. It is important to understand how this legal concept works and its implications on the ability to recover damages. Contributory negligence occurs when a plaintiff contributed to their...
4 myths that could lead to DUI charges
Myths about alcohol and traffic stops could cause you to face drunk driving charges. A driving under the influence (DUI) charge could lead to fines and incarceration. A criminal record after a drunk driving charge may cause you to lose employment, education, loan and...